VIPL has consistently been honored by customers, industry bodies, media and other influencere. The following are some of the recognitions we received ovar the past lew years
- Award for Outstanding Export Pertormer in the Export of Engineering Goods 2005- 2006 by FAPPCI
- Regional Trophy for Highest Export in the Group 2003-2004 by EEPC.
- Nationial Award for Star Pertormer as Medium Enterprise in the Product Group 2004-2005 by EEPC

- Regional Award for Export Excellence Silver Shieid for Star Perfomer as Medium Enterprise 2005 -2006 by EEPC. Regional Award for Export Excellence Siver Shield for Star Performer as Medium Enterprise 2006-2007 by EEPC.
- Regional Award for Export Excellence Silver Trophy for Top Exporter as Merchant Exporter 2007-2008 by EEPC.
- Regional Award for Export Excellence Silver Trophy for Top Exporter as Merchant Exporter 2008-2009 by EEPC.
- Regional Award for Export Excellence Silver Trophy for Top Exporter as Merchant Exporter 2009-2010 by EEPC.
- Regional Award for Export Excellence Silver Trophy for Top Exporter as Merchant Exporter 2010-2011 by EEPC.
- National Award for Export Excellence Siver Trophy for Top Exporter as Merchant Exporter 2011-2012 by EEPC.
- National Award for Export Excellence for Silver Performer as Medium Merchant Exporter 2012-2013 by EEPC.

- Refractory Materials for Cement Plants, Steel Industries and Industrial Furnace.
- Granulated Ground Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS)
- Cement in 50 Kgs Paper Bags from Vizag Plant through Vizag Port.